
MEBAflex ~ Cost Plus Program

MEBAflex ~ Cost Plus Program MEBAflex is a great financial solution for the small and medium sized business owner. This particular market is always hardest hit by never ending insurance premium increases. MEBA specializes in providing employers with Health and Dental solutions for their Employee Benefit Programs. Operating as a Third Party Administrator, MEBA offers an employer the ultimate flexibility in benefit plans at greatly reduced costs.

This is a tax effective way to supplement health, prescription drugs, dental and vision care coverage that may be limited or not covered under your current benefit plan.

MEBAflex allows you to provide enhanced benefits to key plan members in a way that is more tax efficient than salary increases. Coverage is paid for with pre-tax business funds, not personal disposable after tax income.

MEBAflex: Self Insured Employee Benefits…only pay for the benefits you use!

MEBA has created a product for the small business owner in mind. MEBAflex includes;

  • $100,000 Accidental Death & Dismemberment Insurance
  • $2 Million Out of Province / Canada Emergency Medical / Hospital Travel Insurance
  • Optional Stop Loss Insurance Coverage to ensure against catastrophic medical
    claims (5+ employees required)
  • MEBA will process all Health and Dental claims making them tax free to the claimant and a tax deductible expense for your company
If you would like more information on our MEBAflex Programs, please contact MEBA for a no obligation quotation for your firm.